Orange County DUI Attorney

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DUI FAQ: Will I go to jail on a first offense DUI conviction?

In Orange County, jail is usually required on a 2nd or subsequent DUI conviction. The District Attorney for Orange County usually asks for a minimum of 30 days jail on all 2nd offenses. Depending on the circumstances of the case, a Orange County District Attorney can ask for up to a year on all 2nd or subsequent DUI convictions.

If you are arrested for a 2nd DUI in Orange County, you may be eligible for jail alternatives. Secured Electronic Confinement or House Arrest may be an option. House arrest is expensive and is strict. It is not a perfect fit, but may keep you out of jail. Another alternative (particularly for 3rd Offenses) is DUI Court. Orange County offers alternative sentencing through DUI Court participation. It is an intense, outpatient program that is monitored through the court. In addition to house arrest and DUI Court, you may be eligible for an inpatient program as an alternative to jail. No matter what the circumstances of your case, you need to consult with a qualified Orange County DUI attorney to figure out the options that are best for you.

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